Visa information

CAiSE'25, Vienna, Austria June 16-20, 2025

Visa information

Visa Information for International Attendees

International attendees should be particularly aware and careful about visa requirements and should plan travel well in advance. The visa regulations in Austria can be found on the website of the Federal Ministry Republic of Austria and the visa requirements for each country can be found here.

How do I apply for visa

Please calculate approximately 10 weeks processing time for your visa application. Please contact your embassy for more information on the specific requirements for visa applications from your country. We ask for your understanding that we cannot offer visa assistance for family members of CAiSE'25 attendees.

How can I get an invitation letter?

For registered participants and authors of accepted papers, we can provide an invitation letter for visas. Please mark “I need an invitation letter for visa” during the registration process. We will then get in touch with you. We will need the following information from you:

  • Name (as it appears on your passport)
  • Mailing address
  • Passport ID
  • Date of birth
  • Conference registration confirmation number
  • The title of your accepted paper (if applicable)
  • EasyChair ID (if applicable, if you submitted to a workshop also the workshop name)
  • An email address to where we can send the letter

Please note that it can take up to two weeks to receive the invitation letter.