Call for Tutorials

Business Informatics Week 2024

Tutorials introduce general or special topics present in the Call for Papers of CBI and EDOC or in relevant neighboring areas. Tutorials can cover a wide scope ranging from a deep-dive into a new theory/concept/research method up to application-focused tutorials that center the introduction and hands-on application of novel tools and techniques.

The goal of a tutorial is to provide attendees a first introduction into a novel topic or tool, if applicable with first hands-on practical experience e.g. through exercises or case studies. Ideally, a tutorial covers a subject that has an adequately supporting corpus of past work and significant prospects of future expansion research-wise.

Important Dates

  • Submission of tutorial proposals: July 19, 2024
  • Notification of tutorial acceptance: July 26, 2024
  • Tutorials: September 10-13, 2024

Dates are Anywhere on Earth (AoE)

Submission Instructions

Tutorial proposals must be submitted via email to the tutorial chairs (simon.hacks@dsv.su.se, dominik.bork@tuwien.ac.at) with the subject ‘CBI/EDOC 2024 Tutorial’.

Tutorial proposals must be in English, no more than 5 pages long, and must provide a sense of both the scope of the tutorial and the depth within the scope. Tutorial proposals must identify the intended audience and its assumed background. Tutorials typically last for 90 or 180 minutes and are given by an expert on a highly focused topic of interest to the community. It should also be stated how the tutorial will be conducted (e.g. presentation mode, participant involvement, educational material used, prerequisites for participation—if applicable).

A tutorial proposal must include:

  • Tutorial title
  • The presenter(s) name, affiliation, contact information
  • A short bio of all presenters
  • Five-line abstract
  • Goals and objectives to be achieved during the tutorial
  • Intended audience level (basic or advanced) and prerequisites
  • Topic relevance and novelty, explain the value participants gain from attending this tutorial
  • Detailed outline and timetable
  • Tutorial method including teaching method(s) and technology requirements for presentation (beyond standard equipment such as pc projector)
  • References: references to papers, books, etc. that your tutorial builds on
  • Previous venues at which similar tutorials have been presented and an indication of the number of participants

Tutorials Selection

Tutorials will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Fit with CBI/EDOC audience (please see topics of interest to the two conferences)
  • Interestingness of the tutorial’s topic to people attending CBI/EDOC
  • Active involvement: It needs to be clear how participants are actively involved in the tutorial. A tutorial typically should not be a purely frontal extended lecture but rather embrace active discussion and participation.

For all accepted proposals, the CBI/EDOC organization committee will take care of all local arrangements.

Services Provided to Tutorial Presenters

  • Tutorials will benefit from the local organizational infrastructure (registration, badges, refreshments, screens, etc.).
  • Participation in tutorials will be available to all registered participants at no extra costs.
  • Advertisement of the tutorial on the CBI/EDOC 2024 homepages and announcement of the tutorials via mailing lists.
  • Tutorial presenters can submit a 4-page tutorial paper which will be published with the Springer EDOC conference post-proceedings
  • The conference fee will be waived for one tutorial presenter (fees are only waived if the presenter has no accompanying other paper at one of the two conferences).


Vienna, Austria
September 10-13th, 2024