
The submission is closed, click here for the list of accepted papers.

Submissions will be peer reviewed by at least three members of the program committee. They will be evaluated on the basis of originality, contribution to the field, technical and presentation quality, and relevance to the conference.

Papers should conform to the Springer LNCS style specified at

and should describe, in English, original work that has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. PDF versions of papers should be submitted electronically via EasyChair at

We solicit two categories of papers:

  • Research papers should describe fully developed work and should not exceed 15 pages. Authors of papers reporting experimental work are strongly encouraged to make their experimental results available to reviewers. Case study papers should describe significant case studies and lessons learned. In case of tool papers, please include the URL of the tool (if available).
  • New ideas/Work-in-Progress papers should describe new approaches, techniques and/or tools that are not fully validated yet. Papers in this category should not exceed 6 pages.

For all types of paper, two additional pages of appendices are allowed that will not be included in the proceedings.

The conference proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Thanks to a grant by Springer a monetary prize will accompany the best paper award certificate.

A special issue of the Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming with a selection of the accepted papers is planned.

Important Dates

Abstract submission 22 February 201629 February 2016
Paper submission 29 February 20167 March 2016
Notification 13 April 2016
Camera ready 22 April 2016