Registration: Registration Fees

Registration Fees

STAF 2016 offers 1-day, 2-days, 3-days, and 5-days passes. If you choose a 1-day, 2-days, or 3-days pass, you have to declare the days on which you will attend STAF during the registration process. The registration includes access to all main events, satellite events, coffee breaks, lunches, and social events taking place on the days you registered for. This applies also for discounted student registrations.

The early registration ends with June 1, midnight Central European Time (CET, GMT+01:00). Late registrations are possible until June 30, midnight CET. Thereafter, on-site registration at the conference are possible.

Pass Type Early
(Until June 1)
Regular / Students
(After June 1)
Regular / Students
(After June 30)
Regular / Students
1 Day Pass € 230 / € 130 € 280 / € 155 € 330 / € 180
2 Day Pass € 330 / € 200 € 380 / € 225 € 430 / € 250
3 Day Pass € 480 / € 250 € 530 / € 275 € 580 / € 300
5 Day Pass € 580 / € 300 € 680 / € 350 € 730 / € 375

Extra Tickets for Social Events

For accompanying persons, extra tickets for the social events are available:

Author Policy

For each accepted paper at least one author has to be registered by the early registration deadline for all days the respective event takes place. This applies for accepted conference papers, TTC papers, workshop papers, doctoral symposium papers, project showcase papers. The author may register paying the regular fee or the discounted student fee if applicable.

Student Policy

For registrations at the student rate, a proof of the student status, such as a confirmation of registration provided by the university or a confirmation letter of the PhD advisor, has to be provided. This proof has to be provided onsite at the registration desk.

Student Registration Grants

STAF 2016 offers funds for supporting student registrations. These funds are meant to encourage students to participate in STAF 2016, who would otherwise not be able to attend. For more information on the student registration grants visit the dedicated student registration grants page.

Cancellation Policy

  • Cancellation before June 5th: full refunding (less € 50,00 for administrative costs)
  • Cancellation after June 5th: no refunding
  • No reimbursement for people presenting a paper at the conference

Visa Information

If you need a visa for traveling to Austria, we can provide you with the invitation letter needed for obtaining the visa. You have to fulfill the following prerequisites to acquire this invitation letter:

  • You have to be already registered for STAF 2016.
  • You need to have an accepted paper at one of the STAF 2016 events.

If these prerequisites apply for you, please fill in the application form and send it to

staf2016 [at]


Registrations for STAF 2016 are handled via the Web shop of the Austrian Computer Society (OCG). Please consult the above stated registration policies before purchasing your tickets.