PoEM Forum
November 29 -December 1, 2023
Vienna, Austria
PoEM Forum Call for Papers
The PoEM 2023 Forum offers a platform for discussing emerging ideas, challenges, methods, techniques, and tools relevant for Enterprise Modeling. The Forum aims to offer a high level of interactivity between presenters and participants.
Important dates
- Submission deadline:
26 September 2023October 3rd 2023 - Notification: 24 October 2023
- early-Registration until: 31.October 2023
- PoEM Forum: November 29 – December 1 2023, including posters
- Camera ready copy: 18 December 2023
The PoEM 2023 Forum welcomes submissions addressing novel ideas in the arena of enterprise modeling, and could non-exhaustively address any of the following conference topics:
- Enterprise modelling languages for model-based engineering (MBE)
- Modelling for model-based development (MBD)
- Integration of models from enterprise modelling (EM) and MDE / MDB
- Methodologies and tools for EM and MBD / MBE
- Practices for Enterprise Modeling and Model-based Engineering
- Modelling in Industry 4.0, Cyber-Physical Systems, and Digital Twins
- Sociotechnical theory and Enterprise Modeling
- Modelling for AI solutions and Big Data applications
- Enterprise Modelling Theory
- Enterprise Modelling Practice, Case Studies, and Action Research
- Human Aspects in Enterprise Modelling
- Participatory and Collaborative Modelling
- Enterprise Modelling Tool Support
- Modelling for Digitalization
- Modelling for Artificial Intelligence solutions
- Large Scale Organizational Structures and Enterprise Ecosystems
- Modelling Data-driven Organizations
- Modelling and Enterprise Architecture Management
- Enterprise Modelling for Information Systems
- Agile Enterprise Modelling
- Enterprise Model Life-cycle Management
- Meta-Modelling
- Quality and Validation of Enterprise Models
- Conceptualizations, Notations, Ontologies and Multi-Level Enterprise Modelling
- Multi-perspective Business Processes
- Capability-driven Modelling
- Value of Enterprise Modelling
- Knowledge Management and Enterprise Modelling
- Modelling Enterprise Security, Risk, Privacy and Regulatory Compliance
- Organizational and Resource Modelling
The PoEM 2023 Forum will be held as part of the PoEM Conference at Technical University of Vienna, Vienna.
Paper Types
We invite three types of submissions:
Visionary papers presenting innovative research projects, which are still at a relatively early stage and do not necessarily include a full-scale validation.
Industry experience papers discussing industry experiences related to enterprise modeling, e.g., in terms of projects involving modeling, or practical challenges which call for enterprise modeling.
Doctoral project papers discussing the research gap to be addressed in a PhD project, the research methodology and intended contribution. They must be single-author, but the name of the supervisor should be mentioned. Furthermore, doctoral project papers must include the following:
- Identify a significant research problem based on the current status of the problem domain.
- Indicate a research goal / research question related to the identified gap.
- Present preliminary ideas, the proposed approach and the results achieved so far.
- Describe the research methodology applied or planned.
- Outline the contributions to the problem domain and highlight their uniqueness.
Accepted papers (all three types) will be presented at the PoEM 2023 Forum to be held on Nov 29, 2023 at the conference venue.
All types of papers must not exceed 15 pages in the CEUR format, 1-column format. An offline version with the style files is available from http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zip.
Papers should be submitted in PDF format through the conference management system available at https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=poemweek2023 (use Forum Track).
The submitted papers must be unpublished and must not be under review elsewhere.
The papers accepted for the PoEM 2023 Forum will be sent for consideration at CEUR. The publication of Forum papers is organized as post-proceedings which allows authors of forum submissions to further improve / polish their submission after the event.