Call for Papers

CBI + EDOC 2024 Call for Doctoral Consortium

Business Informatics Week 2024

Scope and Topics

The joined CBI 2024 and EDOC 2024 Doctoral Consortium aims to offer a supportive learning opportunity for doctoral students in the early stage of their research to discuss their work in progress and to receive feedback and guidance from senior researchers and the audience. A panel of senior researchers will serve as mentors during the Doctoral Consortium sessions. In addition, the Doctoral Consortium offers opportunities to establish a social network with the peers in the field of CBI and EDOC conferences and to engage with some industry participants.

Doctoral students that are somewhere in the middle of their research are invited to submit a paper presenting their work and participate in the dedicated sessions. The topics eligible for Doctoral Consortium submissions are the same as that of the CBI 2024 and EDOC 2024 conferences.

CBI 2024 topics:

  • Enterprise Modeling, Engineering and Architecture
  • Data and AI Applications for Business
  • Business Process Management
  • Information Systems Engineering, Management and Governance
  • Business Innovation and Digital Transformation
  • Digital Platforms
  • Information Systems Risk, Security, and Resilience
  • Digital Technologies and the Future of Work
  • Egovernment and Digital Society

EDOC 2024 topics:

  • Service-Oriented Software System Architectures
    • Methods, Frameworks, Reference Models, and Tools, for Enterprise Architecture
    • Enterprise architecture for networked organisations
    • Architectural impact of new technologies, including AI, cloud computing, edge computing, blockchain, etc.
    • Architecture level concerns, such as interoperability, security, sustainability, etc.
  • Model-Based Software Engineering
    • Service composition, orchestration and choreography
    • Service policies, contract definition and enforcement
    • Software & services modeling languages and approaches
    • Architectures for cyber-physical systems
    • Software architecture level concerns, such as interoperability, security, sustainability, etc.
  • Enterprise Cybersecurity
    • Sensing and Awareness
    • Threat modeling, attack simulation, intrusion detection and prevention
    • Access control & SOA security
    • Blockchain and enterprise security
    • Privacy Preserving Technologies
  • Business Process and Business rules
    • Process modeling, verification, configuration, architectures and enabling infrastructures
    • Process mining and robotic process automation
    • Business process agility/flexibility and decision management
    • Business rule languages and engines, process compliance
  • Semantics and Information Management
    • Business object modeling methodologies and approaches
    • Enterprise taxonomies, ontologies and business knowledge integration
    • Master data management, data mining and (real-time) data
    • Data quality and trustworthiness
    • Combining data-driven and symbolic modeling approaches
  • Modeling in an enterprise context
    • Philosophical, linguistic, and mathematical foundations of modeling
    • Return on modeling effort
    • Design and evolution of modeling languages and frameworks
    • Modeling practices and modeling capabilities in enterprises
    • Experience reports and case studies on models at work (in an enterprise context)

Author Guidelines

To participate at the Doctoral Consortium, students should submit papers (of 8 pages) that cover the following aspects of their PhD project:

  • The context and goal of the research;
  • The scientific problem addressed and its relevance to the conference field. This problem must be justified or substantiated by means of literature review, observations from practice, case studies, and can be further refined in terms of research questions and/or hypotheses;
  • The overview of earlier works that have addressed the same or similar problems and explanations why the problem is not yet solved (i.e. limitations, open issues and controversies);
  • The research methodology followed to address the research problem;
  • The proposed solution and the results obtained so far;
  • A plan for the evaluation/validation of results.

Submissions must be single-author (PhD student only). The names of the supervisors should be mentioned in the Acknowledgments section after the conclusion and before the references.

Submission Process

Papers should be formatted according to the Springer LNCS/LNBIP conference proceedings template (for LaTeX and Word): Springer Guidelines. Submissions must be written in English and must be authored by the student only. The maximum length of the paper should be eight (8) pages, including references and appendices.

The accepted papers will be published in a Springer LNBIP post-proceedings volume including publications from various CBI 2024 and EDOC 2024 collocated events.

The submission site is EasyChair - BI Week 2024. On submission, you will be asked to select a track. Please choose the “BI Week 2024 - Doctoral Consortium” track.

By submitting a Doctoral Consortium paper, doctoral students commit that they will attend the conference to present their research.

Selection Process

Papers will be evaluated by at least two members of the Doctoral Consortium Committee using the following criteria: clarity of the paper, technical quality, soundness, precision, novelty and adequacy of the problem statement, related work, self-contained and feasible method description, realistic expected results, and sensible evaluation plan.

Important Dates

  • Paper submission deadline: 21 June 2024
  • Author notification: 19 July 2024
  • Author registration deadline: 2 August 2024
  • Camera ready copy submission: 29 September 2024

At the Conference

Students will present their work to the participants with substantial time allowed for discussion, questions and comments from senior researchers. The Doctoral Consortium sessions will have an informal and friendly atmosphere where every participant is encouraged to be actively involved in the discussion, the core objective being to learn how to conduct excellent research, as well as provide and receive useful feedback to improve one’s work.

Doctoral Consortium Chairs

  • Oscar Pastor, Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain
  • Jolita Ralyté, University of Geneva, Switzerland


Vienna, Austria
September 10-13th, 2024